Who would have thought that a play, written in 1953 could serve as a parody for current events in 2008. Such is the case of “The Solid Gold Cadillac” originally penned by Howard Teichmann and George S. Kaufman. This corporate take on the Cinderella story is a endearing production hosted by the Evergreen Playhouse and Directed by D. Douglas Lukascik.
Lukascik admits that his background with the play was less than romantic. “When I was born, my mom bought a television” he said of the way movies have played a big part in his experience in the theater.
The story centers around the Board of Directors of “General Products” who are putting the squeeze on shareholders and quickly chipping away at corporate ethical standards using 13 local actors. In addition, they fully expect contracts and favoritism from 39 year business veteran and former GP Board Director Edward L. McKeever (played by Michael Rust). He took an advisory position at the Pentagon and is in prime position to sweeten the General Products bottom line. Much to the chagrin of the GP Board, members, he is determined to play by the rules in Washington.

The Board of Directors include T. John Blessington (Mark Pendleton), Alfred Metcalf (Fred Brattin), Warren Gillie (Dean Phillips) and Clifford Snell (Paul Gisi). They have many humorous moments and situations that boarder on slapstick. The character of Snell makes the audience want to begin a chorus of hisses at times for his brutal tactics to keep the situation comfortable.
The production has many clever moments including an ironic line or two by McKeever about life in Washington. “If you are not honest here, they catch you” he described of his experience in D.C.

“Cinderella” appears in the form of Mrs. Laura Partridge (played by Theresa Hilliard), an owner of 10 shares of General Products Stock and causes several chaotic and sensational circumstances while trying to be an advocate for the “little stockholder”
The Evergreen Playhouse is located at 226 W. Center Street in Centralia. The Solid Gold Cadillac started on October 24th and will be playing Friday, October 31st, Sat. November 1st and Sunday, November 3rd as well as the following weekend of November 7th, 8th and 9th. Friday and Saturday performance begin at 8:00pm while Sunday’s feature at special matinee performance at 2:00pm.
Tickets are available at Book & Brush in Downtown Chehalis and Sterling Savings in Centralia, Santa Lucia Coffee Roasters in addition to the Evergreen Playhouse. They are $15 for evening performances and $10 for afternoon shows.
In addition, on Wednesday, November 5th, a special “Pay What You Will” performance will start at 7:30pm.
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